
About us

Seminary is about Becoming Your Best You.
Envision spending your seminary year with us!

Seminary is about growth.

Ateres has a variety of engaging classes, speakers, and Yemei Iyun, all contributing to enriching your Avodas Hashem — based on your unique techunos.


Founded by Master Mechanech, Rabbi Hillel Belsky zt”l, Ateres is a Bais Yaakov seminary known for meaningful learning, strong foundational hashkafos, and a student body of real and genuinely growth-oriented students. This is where sincere girls will find the kind of learning, fun, friendship, and close teacher relationships that are designed to make seminary such a special experience.

Heart Of Yerushalayim,

Heart Of Yerushalayim,

Minutes from Geulah
15 min. walking distance to the Kosel

Three Delicious, Full Service, Home-Cooked Meals

Three Delicious, Full Service,
Home-Cooked Meals:

Soups, Salads, menu options
full Shabbos and Yom Tov

Landscaped Campus,

Landscaped Campus

Picnic benches, pergola

American Laundry Facilities

American Laundry

18 Cozy Dorm Rooms

18 Cozy
Dorm Rooms

Student Kitchen

Student Kitchen

Renovated bathrooms
and showers

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